5 Ways to Use Twitter Social Media Tricks to Grow Your Business

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Twitter currently has about 330 million monthly active users, 40% of users purchasing a product after seeing it on Twitter. Given this, it’s no surprise that businesses want to utilize this platform to grow their business and reach a wider audience, with some even consulting social media agencies to get a foothold in the Twitterverse.

However, it’s not quite as simple as making a Twitter account and waiting for followers to pour in naturally. Like any tool, if you want to use social media to grow your business, you need to use it properly.

  • Understand the demographic

The first thing you need to understand is whether Twitter is worth incorporating into your business’ marketing strategy. How much do Twitter user demographics overlap with your target audience? If you are a product or service geared towards senior citizens, it might not be the most efficient, knowing that only 7% of 65-year-olds and older use Twitter. However, if you are a clothing brand targeting young adults, Twitter holds an attractive audience considering 75% of its users are 18-30.

  • Gather followers with a stand-out presence

There are potentially millions of businesses on Twitter, from small, independent businesses to giant corporations. You can’t hope to stand out if you don’t put enough effort into your profile. Choose a username that’s appropriate to your business. Ideally, use your brand name if available, if not, use call-to-action verbs like “get” or “pick”. Use a professional logo as your picture and use a timely advertisement as your header. Start gathering an audience by joining or initiating conversations relevant to your industry. Make high-quality content that’s worth retweeting and sharing. Don’t waste your money buying followers since these are usually just bot accounts. Followers who will engage with your Tweets are more valuable. If you’re still not getting any luck, partnering with Phoenix Social Media Agency can help you get your social media campaign off the ground.

  • Set up a content calendar

A content calendar determines the content, time, and frequency of your Tweets. Don’t be afraid to repost or retweet your own content to refresh it since people access Twitter at different times and may not have seen the original post when you first Tweeted it. Setting a good frequency is also important since Tweeting too often may cause your audience to mute or unfollow you, while not Tweeting enough could cause your presence to fade from your audience’s minds. Use analytics tools to check which time slots you get the most engagement. This will help you identify the times your followers are most active. Your analytics can also help you dissect what your audience likes to see, whether it’s a witty caption or hashtag, or a well-made video or infographic. Take this into account when making future content.

  • Use Twitter ads

Twitter has a fine system for ad targeting. This is where having a solid understanding of your audience comes in. By properly filtering your ads, you spend less while reaching the people most likely to purchase your products.

  • Be responsive, engaging, and self-aware

Twitter is famous for turning companies into more humorous, humanized versions of themselves. Brands interact with their audience freely and sometimes even each other, prompting a barrage of free promo thanks to news articles and the hype generated by an amused audience. For marketers who are more used to putting up a professional business image, it may be hard to balance between being casual while still appearing reputable. It’s important not to be tone-deaf and to keep your finger on the pulse of current events. Whenever customers take to Twitter to complain, address their needs immediately and offer concrete solutions. Whenever major political events are taking place, match your content accordingly. It won’t keep posting as normal during national tragedies or big political movements.

For a long time, social media has been shifting the business landscape, prompting business owners and marketers to adjust long-established strategies and incorporate novel tactics. Most marketers would have little to no experience using social media as a marketing tool, so it would be wise to work with a social media agency to develop a more efficient strategy from the get-go. Having professional help keeps you from making fatal mistakes, especially considering how vicious social media can be. One wrong Tweet could spell the end of your business. Use Twitter wisely, and you’ll have no problem expanding your audience and building a more fruitful relationship.


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