Common Causes Of Degenerative Disc Disease

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Our bodies are supported by the spine, which also enables us to move, twist, and bend. The intervertebral discs, which serve as stress absorbers between our vertebrae, are at the centre of this complex system. Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD) is a disorder that develops as a result of these discs wearing down over time.

Let’s examine a few common causes of this medical condition that people may experience.

Age-Related Wear And Tear

The ageing process is one of the main causes of degenerative disc (หมอน รอง กระดูก เสื่อม, which is the term in Thai) disease. The water content of the discs in our spine steadily decreases as we age, making them less flexible and more prone to injury. The degeneration of these discs may result from this ageing-related wear and tear.


DDD development can be significantly influenced by genetics. You may be more prone to getting the ailment if you have a family history of problems with the spine. Your discs may be more prone to early degeneration due to specific hereditary factors.

Injury And Trauma

This disease can be increased by stress, injuries, and accidents to the spine. These occurrences may result in disc rips, herniations, or other structural damage, which can be painful. Over time, even relatively small wounds might lead to the emergence of DDD.

Poor Posture And Mechanics

For the spine to remain healthy, adequate posture and body mechanics must be maintained. Degenerative Disc Disease may be more likely to occur in those who continuously overstress their spinal discs through bad lifting habits or poor posture. This ongoing tension can eventually cause disc degeneration.


DDD is recognised to be at risk from smoking. The discs may receive less blood flow due to nicotine and other substances in cigarettes, depriving them of essential nutrients. This may hasten this disease and raise the possibility of unpleasant symptoms.


Extra weight can increase strain on the spinal discs, particularly those in the lower back, and cause them to bulge. Obese people are more vulnerable to DDD because of the greater strain since it might cause early wear and tear.

In Conclusion

Degenerative Disc Disease is a common disorder that may affect anybody, but several things might make it more likely that it will happen. People may reduce their risk and lead pain-free, active lives by being aware of these risk factors and adopting proactive measures to preserve spinal health.

Consult with a healthcare provider for an accurate diagnosis and a customised treatment plan if you think you may have DDD or are exhibiting symptoms.

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