3 Useful Ways to Minimise the Costs of Solar Maintenance Services

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Making the switch to renewable energy has its perks, there’s no denying that. There are certain incentives in place for homeowners and businesses, that much is true, but there’s satisfaction in knowing that you won’t have to rely completely on the grid for electricity. 

But while it’s also true that recent solar panel models and solar energy arrays aren’t just more affordable but durable as well, you shouldn’t make the mistake of thinking your system doesn’t need maintenance at all. In fact, if you don’t do your part in looking after your solar energy system, you may find yourself faced with a costly repair or replacement job, no matter how low-maintenance the system is supposed to be. So here are a few ways you can keep such expenses low. 

Invest in Solar Panel Cleaning Kits 

Clean solar panels are more efficient and less likely to malfunction because of dirt and grime build-up, and solar panel cleaning kits can help you get started. These will typically have biodegradable soap, a wiper, and a soft brush. All you have to do is mix the soap with water in a bucket, dip the brush into the soapy water and start gently wiping the panels. Wash away the soapy water with plain water, then go over the panels again with the wiper. 

If you can’t find any solar panel cleaning kits, don’t panic. You can just look for non-abrasive brushes and cloth to use to wipe your solar panels, and stock up on gentle soaps that don’t have any small particles that could scratch the glass of the panels. If you clean the panels often enough, you’ll eventually just need to run a hose along them to remove any dirt. 

Monitor Your System’s Performance 

Monitoring how well your solar power system performs every day may sound tedious, but the truth is, it doesn’t take more than a few minutes. You just have to take note of how much energy the system generated and if there was any excess that was fed back into the grid. Should you notice that the panels don’t seem to be as efficient and it’s not because of the weather, it may be a sign that there’s a problem somewhere in the system. 

If you notice a problem early enough, the repair shouldn’t be a complicated one. You’ll still have to call a technician to be on the safe side, but the job won’t cost much in comparison to a full-scale repair or part replacement. 

Check Your Solar Panel System’s Appearance

Discolouration, cracks, and other changes to a solar panel’s appearance could be a sign that a part or two needs to be fixed. Lopsided arrays and tilted panels don’t call for parts replacement or repair, but they do mean something may have come loose and will therefore need to be reattached, realigned, and re-tightened.

Look out for such changes in your solar panel system and don’t hesitate to call a professional to fix the problem, especially if your array is mounted on the roof. Tightening a screw is a simple fix, but it’s better not to risk your own well-being by climbing onto the roof yourself instead of leaving it to the experts.

These three tips won’t completely eliminate the cost of solar maintenance services, but they will help ensure your solar power system is functioning properly and help you call the pros in as early as possible. Now, if you’re looking for someone to take care of solar power maintenance, you can visit this page to make your search easier.

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