Evolution of Health Sector Recruitment

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At present, the trends in the recruitment of personnel and talent are setting new paths. Technology has generated opportunities and diverse realities in which social networks and online healthcare services play a very important role.

Experts at https://mascmedical.com explain there is a dilemma between the procedures for those seeking employment and those seeking professionals, online recruitment is not static, on the contrary, it adapts to current needs, and this situation is reflected in all sectors including the health sector.

The evolution of the internet and technology offers an instant turnaround in communication systems. Web environments have gone from being static and one-way places to dynamic and two-way places open to all audiences. This advance is also unstoppable in the health sector. For this reason, there is a strong interest in the sector to have a presence on social media and some data reinforces the need:

  • 20% of conversations on the Internet are about health.
  • More than 45% of users are interested in information about medicines.
  • 87% of patients use the Internet for information.

The US is positioned as the leader in the launch of online health initiatives, and Europe, with a more restrictive legal framework, closely follows.

The presence and evolution of new channels in the health sector are growing. Social media platforms promote an activity open to society. For this reason, the exposed information must be reviewed with caution, developing quality content. Conventional health professional services cannot be fully replaced by these new online channels, but they will complete and reinforce the primary role of patient care.

Recruitment In The Health Sector

Web-based systems have revolutionized the world of personnel selection in its four aspects:

  1. Publication of job offers

The publication of segmented and automatic job offers (multi-posting) in social, professional, and vertical networks to attract active candidates (actively looking for a professional challenge) is a reality.

  1. Search for talent

Daily access to the passive candidate at a global level is normal for recruiters who are experts in the use of these new technologies and recruitment platforms.

  1. Employer branding

Investing in employer branding programs as a way of organizing the company’s formal presence on social media and attracting talent occupies a relevant part of the budget of large corporations.

  1. Reputation managemen

The periodic monitoring of social networks (Reputation Management) is already a common practice in Human Resources departments.

Current Trends

The current scenario in the health sector shows a labor market that merges conventional and technological strategies to satisfy employment needs. This is achieved through more efficient services in line with the evolution of society.

Health Sector and Social Media

Social networks set trends in the health sector. Health professionals use these tools more and more, in the same way, companies and institutions are beginning to see their commercial activity becoming hubs of social information.

We can highlight the main existing resources in the world of online health that can help recruiters advance in penetration and entry strategies to social media:

Health social networks:

  • Patient communities sponsored by brands
  • Patient communities not sponsored by brands


Health professional networks:

  • Health professional networks
  • Mixed health networks

Online health services

  • Sources of health information: forums, blogs, portals…
  • Rankings on professionals, institutions, costs, medicines…
  • Applications: for patients, for professionals, mobile-enabled

These resources strategically consider a variety of dedicated and patient-centered, professional, and health-center topics. The objective of using these channels in the health sector is to generate knowledge and these tools are the protagonists capable of informing and communicating in a bidirectional way in today’s society.



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