Indicators That Your Roof Needs Repair

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The roof of a building deteriorates with time, and this affects the general structure of that building. If the top of your home decays, the aesthetic value is lost and can even cause health issues to you and your loved ones because a damaged roof attracts mold. A well-maintained roof extends its life.

Replacing a roof is expensive and time-consuming; that is why it is advisable to check on signs early and repair them. How will you know the signs?

In this article, we will discuss the signs that you need to conduct a roof repair.

Escalated Energy Bills

If you notice that you are paying higher energy bills than you were used to, and there is no addition of electronics in your house, this could be a sign that your roof is damaged. A damaged roof calls for the air conditioning to work extra hard to maintain the cool temperatures of the house.

Cracking Shingles

Every object has a lifespan, and shingles have no exception. When you see your shingles curling and cracking, that is a clear indication that you need to repair your roof. The shingles may also be deformed, which is also a sign that your roof needs repair.

Sagging Roof

Your roof should be straight and not sagging. The sagging of a roof can be caused by old age. If your roof has served you for a while and starts to sag, then it is time to have it replaced. If your roof is new and is sagging, then consider it to be replaced.

Roof Discoloration            

Shingles discoloration is a sign that they are damaged or are damp. Dark patches might start to appear on the roof, which is an indication there is mold on the shingles. Always conduct a roof inspection whenever you spot a change in color of your roof because any color change would require you to change the top.

Leaking Roof

It is very embarrassing when you have visitors in the house, and your roof starts to leak when it rains. A leaking roof is an indicator that you need to repair. Standing water and water stains on the wall also indicate that your roof should be repaired or replaced.

Rays of Sunlight Getting In

When your roof has holes or cracks, sunlight will come in. This sign will only be discovered when it is sunny. Try to seal the holes and check whether the sunbeams will still get in, and plan to have your roof repaired by experts.

Presence of Granules in the Gutter

When conducting roof inspections, regularly check on your gutters and see whether there are sand-like granules because this indicates that your roof needs repair. With age, shingles break down and get carried down to the channels when it rains. Plan and get your roof repaired or replaced when the granules are enormous.

In conclusion, the signs discussed above are clear indicators that your roof needs to be repaired.  They are visible when you are on the ground; you don’t have to go up to the ceiling. Be on the lookout for the signs. Safe is better than sorry.


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