Things To Know For Enjoying Own Swimming Pool

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It is true that instead of swimming in public pools, it is better to own a swimming pool in the backyard as that is safe. Along with the happy memories that the pool provides, there are a few other things like maintaining the pools that might cause little discomfort for the owners.

For such things and for minor or major repairs, there are places like Weatherford swimming pool repair service. People can even opt for their own DIY maintenance, but in order to do so, they have to give more time, and the result might not be equivalent to the one that is done by the pro.

Common problems that can be seen in swimming pools

Problems occur in such a way that few can be solved by themselves, but for a few, there might be a need for professionals like Weatherford swimming pool repair service.

Problems that can be solved easily

  •     Tears and holes in pool liners and covers
  •     Leaks that occur in concrete pools
  •     Clogging drain lines

Problems that have to be dealt with by Pro

  •     Pool pump repair
  •     Swimming pool heater repair
  •     Electrical issues that might happen in the pool
  •     Replacement of the pool filter and its maintenance
  •     Plumbing leaks
  •     Automation of the swimming pool

Cost to own and maintain a swimming pool on their own

The maintenance of the pool will require around $125 per month, and for a year it will be about $1400 on average. But if the owner opts for one-time maintenance, he has to spend $250 or sometimes more depending on the size of the pool and the type of the swimming pool.

The price he has to pay for opening or closing a swimming pool will be from $300 to $500, which is pretty high.

How to do weekly maintenance for the pool?

It is always better to follow weekly maintenance for the swimming pool if they want to reduce the repairs that might be there in the future. But even after following these steps, if there are some issues, they might have to go to the Weatherford swimming pool repair service.

  •     The first step that has to be done in weekly maintenance is to skim off the leaves and debris that will be there in the pool using a long-handled leaf skimmer.
  •     Always trim the leaves of the surrounding trees in order to reduce the debris at the bottom of the pool.
  •     The sides and bottom of the pool will be full of dirt and sediments, so make sure to remove the dirt and brush the sediment away from the pool.
  •     Always vacuum the pool either by using an automatic vacuum or the manual one. The best option here will be automatic as there are many types in these as well that can make the work easier.


One of the main steps in the maintenance of the pool is to check the water and add required chemicals daily as these chemicals act as disinfectants and sanitizers, which can work against the growth of all sorts of bacteria and algae in the pools.

In order to clean the water that has algae and bacteria, the best method is to make the pool undergo regular shock treatments.

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