Understanding the Difference: On Page and Off Page SEO

Understanding the Difference On Page and Off Page SEO
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When it comes to handling online services, search engine optimization has a crucial role in adding to the organic growth of a website. It facilitates the overall performance of the site by helping it attract the appropriate traffic. Now, SEO can be categorized into two major types: on page and off page SEO.

But, when we talk about on page vs off page SEO, there are some major differences, such as:

  • On page SEO is majorly focused on optimizing the segments of a website that are under your control.
  • Off page SEO is more about the factors that help stimulate the overall performance of your website on the internet through effective content and other ways.

On Page SEO vs Off Page SEO: The Major Difference

Both, on and off page SEO have integral roles to play in the way a website performs. An expert well-versed in essential techniques for SEO in Atlanta can help you with the improvement of SEO of your website. Let us see what factors are involved in both on page and off page SEO aspects that need to be taken care of.

On Page SEO Factors

Content: It is essential to ensure that the content on your website is well-optimized with the right keywords, links, descriptions, etc.

Keywords: Keywords are a major game-changer for on page SEO of your website. Using the right set of keywords can effectively increase the visibility of your web page on the search engines.

Title Tag: Title tag is one of the important aspects of page SEO that needs to be precise and under 65 characters.

Meta Descriptions: A brief description that appears under the URL of a webpage’s link in the search engine results is an effective and essential aspect of on page SEO.

Off Page SEO Factors

Backlinks: Adding backlinks effectively enhances the off page SEO of a website by providing you with increased domain authority and eventually increasing your rank on Google.

Local SEO: Local SEO is another effective way to improve your business’s visibility in the local geographical area and to generate better sales results by reaching out to potential leads.

PPC Advertising: Launching a PPC ad campaign is another way to improve off page SEO of a web portal. With the help of relevant, compelling ads, you get to lure new customers into reaching out to you.


It is safe to say that on page and off page SEO are important for making a website stand out on the internet and appear at the top of search results, leaving the competitors behind.

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