Various Fun Things You Can Do in Medan

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Medan is the greatest city out of Java, using a population of more than two million folks. Medan is a unique melting pot that has many cultural groups forming a huge heterogeneous community. This reflects the varied culture in the area, with many different dialects, structures, religions, culinary, and kampongs. This diversity, in turn, improves Medan as a multicultural paradise.

Concerning tourism, Medan isn’t the celebrity in North Sumatra, but it is highly important as a central hub as the fourth most important city in Indonesia, the highest quality of lodging and amenities could be expected. But more lovely spots are waiting for you in North Sumatera.

Getting There

Medan is readily accessible by air at Kualanamu International Airport, connected with most large towns in Southeast Asia. Belawan port is served with boats from Penang (Malaysia) and Jakarta. Getting around town is a bit tricky, however. The easiest and safest method is renting a car or motorcycle since you can freely roam the town. If you want to go around on public transportation, make sure you learn a little about Bahasa Indonesia.

Various Fun Things You Must Try

  • The Amazing Lake Toba

Medan is the major hub to reach Lake Toba, one of the icons of Indonesia’s Tourism. Toba is so large it’s shared with seven regencies of North Sumatra. Toba is the middle of Batak Toba’s tradition. Toba, and Samosir Island, is the very popular tourist destination at Sumatera, and the central government even made this place a Special Economic Zone for tourism. Toba is roughly 175 km from Medan, reachable by road. Note that approximately Toba, there are lots of waterfalls as well as scenic mountains.

  • Colorful Soda Hot Springs

Some people today call this water a soda spring since it supposedly tastes like   carbonated water. Sulfur water is known to have healthful properties for the skin. It is not simply the water although; the rocks nearby are also a sight to behold. Sulfur provides the limestone in the spring with a selection of brightly vibrant colors. Green, yellow, orange, and white provides a stunning backdrop for the pool. Entry to the swimming pool is also relatively cheap, just IDR5000.

  • Beaches in Both Coasts

Of course, you may enjoy splendid beaches here also. Serdang Bedagai, just the south of Medan, has several popular beaches such as Bali Lestari, Pondok Permai, and Cermin. Sibolga offers many great beaches on the western shore, some of them are about the islands near. Pandan, Ujung, along with Indah Kalangan beaches are located in Sibolga. Several other exotic places are scattered around the islands like Mursala, Pasir Putih, Putri, Poncan Gadang, and Poncan Ketek.

  • Culinary Paradise in Medan

The upside of being diverse ethnically is that there is plenty to offer in terms of culinary options. You will not find any lack of food options. Chinese, Javanese, Bataknese, Indian, Acehnese, Malay, or Padang foods are offered from road level to upper class restaurants. Don’t forget that Mandheling coffee is your specialization from the region, make sure you sip one or two cups of those. Medan also offers excellent nightlife experience with many clubs and pubs.

Vacation is more than just the scenery/food/accommodation, it’s about making long-lasting memories. Discover more adventures in Medan and Lake Toba by visiting Wonderful Indonesia.

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