Will There always be Enough Gold And Silver?

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Is the demand for precious metals like gold and silver increasing? The answer to that question is yes. In the last couple of years gold has been bought and sold in larger quantities and traded more than currency. This is largely due to the struggling economy and the decline in the value of the U.S dollar. If the economic situation persists and the demand does not go down, will there be enough of these metals to go around? 

Precious metals are finite and therefore very expensive. It takes a lot of mining to produce a single ounce of gold or silver. Once people buy gold as investment, it rarely leaves the hands of the buyer. This is because a lot of investors buy the metal as insurance in the face of inflation and other economic catastrophes. It’s understable why so many people are concerned with its scarcity. Gold buyers often worry that their suppliers will not be able to keep up with demand especially since gold is used in such a variety of industries, the concern about the amount that is available is understandable. Especially if more people start to lose faith in currency and see gold as the valuable store of wealth that it has always been. If gold is in such high demand and it’s value is rising what would make someone who has such a valuable asset want to sell? 

Gold has acted as currency for millenia. It is important to understand the fundamental nature of gold relative to the economy. When the demand for this metal is high, the price rises higher and more people are willing to pay top dollar for it. As long as the economy is in a constant state of crisis there will always be a reason why people will always have a need to tap into their gold insurance. 

The good thing about gold is that even though it is finite, it is recyclable. Other resources like food, land, petrol etc. get used up and more needs to be made. Gold doesn’t necessarily get used up. Gold and silver change hands and form. They can be melted down and made into some other form. Gold jewellery can be melted down and refined to produce gold coins, bars or some other gold product. Even as it is recycled, it doesn’t really lose its value. When necessary, gold can be used to trade goods when the currency loses its value. Investors  can also sell their gold for cash when the prices are high and the demand rises. 

Market pundits are always talking about the bull run, especially when the price of gold goes up. All that investment jargon can be confusing. You don’t have to know and understand what the bull or bear market is to and what they mean for the price of gold to buy gold. If you want to invest your money, the best way to go about it is to diversify your investment portfolio by including precious metals. You never know where the markets are headed and you will be thankful  for the gold you have. There will be something that affects the market and influence the gold price. And if there is a time when the economy collapses entirely gold will always come in handy. However, you should always keep in mind that your investment’s value is determined by who you trade with and whether they personally think gold is a valuable exchange. 


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