5 easy daily cleaning tasks for your family home

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Everyone wants to have a clean home, but our busy lives can make it difficult to get around to the jobs that make it so. Unfortunately, the less we clean our homes the messier they become!

But there are five easy tasks you can do each day that will keep your home clean and won’t take too much time out of your schedule.

  • Make the beds

This is the best way to add a little cleanliness to your home without having to do, well, much at all! You can even teach your kids to make their own beds so that you don’t have to worry about this job in the first place. It only takes a minute to do, but it makes your room look that much cleaner.

    • Do a little laundry

It’s never a bad idea to do a little bit of laundry at least every couple of days. Kids accumulate a lot of dirty laundry, and it easily stacks up. You may not have to do this every day, as it’s better for the environment and your bill not to, so if your kids are coming home with dirty school/sports uniforms maybe consider giving them a wash every few days – it stops the clothes from piling up in a corner or all over the house.

  • Give the floors a quick clean

Obviously, you don’t have to get the mop out and buy the best hazard floor signs online, you can just go over the hardwood floors with a quick sweep. You might want to occasionally grab the vacuum cleaner and quickly go over it, but most of the time you can just give the floor a quick broom and sweep it all up with a dustpan! Another thing you can teach the kids is to go over the floor around the dining room table after meals (if there is a mess which, of course, is quite common really!).

  • Wipe counters & surfaces

It’s a good idea to wipe down counters and hard surfaces after meals, as these places can accumulate germs and bacteria when cooking. You might also want to check the bathroom counters to make sure no one made any mess when brushing their teeth. You can just keep your soaps and cloths ready in a dish for when you want to get some quick cleaning done.

  • Clear the clutter

Clutter is inevitable in a budsy home: it can be stacks of newspapers or magazines, kids toys, or just stuff that has accumulated over time and has no real purpose.

Some tips for clearing the clutter include:

  • Throw old flyers, pamphlets and grocery magazines at the door.
  • Open bills that need to be paid and place them in a labeled cabinet – do the same with kids files.
  • Throw out old school worksheets (but keep the special pieces like art, of course!).

Clutter is different with each family, but if your family has a problem with it, it’s not a bad idea to do a little bit of clearing each day just so it doesn’t pile up over time! Make a list of the areas that incur a lot of clutter build up and take a few minutes each day ticking them off the list. You can also use this time to go through the mail and other assorted papers. Some people don’t have as much clutter as others, of course, so it’s up to you if this is something that needs regular taking care of!

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