Is Femara effective for pregnancy?

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Couples looking forward to having a child of their own would be thrilled to find out when their partner is pregnant. Pregnancy can indeed be nerve wrecking for a first time mother but this is certainly not the case for those struggling with pregnancy. Couples may wait for years and try many treatments to help them achieve their dream of having their own child. There are many fertility treatments or therapy that helps a woman to get pregnant and ultimately bear their own child. Medications such as Femara 2.5 mg is among the common medications used in fertility treatment.

The question now is, is Femara effective for pregnancy? In short, yes it does. The fact that it is one of the common drugs used in fertility treatment shows that Femara have been around for a long time to increase chances for pregnancy. Femara contains letrozole. Letrozole works by blocking the enzyme aromatase. This enzyme converts androgen hormone to oestrogen. Femara works in a premenopausal woman’s body to lower the oestrogen level to trigger the brain to release other hormones needed for chances of pregnancy. Femara aids in development of multiple follicles and releases multiple eggs. This stimulation ovulation helps to increase chances for pregnancy. Studies show that there are 15% chances for a woman to be pregnant for each month following Femara consumption. Another study shows that the pregnancy rate is around 22% when a woman is being put on Femara as fertility treatment.

Do not be surprised to see or read articles on Femara being used to treat breast cancer. This is why it is important to self-treat with any medications available online without medical supervision. If a woman thinks they do have struggles with getting pregnant, it is best to seek medical advice rather than trying to solve it on their own. Infertility is defined as difficulty getting pregnant after 12 months of regular and unprotected sexual intercourse in women aged 35 and below, or after 6 months in women aged 35 and above. Fertility in women tends to decline as the women age. Solving fertility issues without medical advice would often lead to a dead end and emotional distress.

The usual dose of Femara is 2.5 mg and takes one tablet a day. It is to be taken for 5 days per month from day 2 to day 6 of the menstrual cycle. Day one is the first day of the period. It is worth noting that doctors might give different treatment plans and it is important to follow their advice. This means that the patient may be receiving different doses or ways of taking it. Since Femara is a hormone treatment, it is important to take this medication at the same time for the day to help the body reach the optimal hormone level. Patients should have regular sexual intercourse of 2 to 3 times a week during fertility treatment to increase the chance of getting pregnant.

Femara is usually taken for six ovulation cycles in total. If pregnancy has not occurred after the six ovulation cycles, patients will be asked to be reviewed by their doctor and discuss other treatment options. This may be easy for those with a regular menstrual cycle but those with irregular menstrual cycle, they may be given other hormone medication such as progesterone tablets on top of Femara.

Femara, just as with any other medication, does have potential side effects. It is worth noting that medications prescribed by doctors have been evaluated for benefits and side effects which means patients would be guaranteed to receive medicine that provides benefits for patients with minimal side effects. Common side effects include multiple pregnancy, headaches, bloating, dizziness, fatigue, hot flushes, abdominal pain, upset stomach and ovarian cysts. In rare cases, side effects of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) may occur. OHSS may lead to life-threatening events. Hence, when a woman undergoing hormone therapy such as Femara experiences mild symptoms of OHSS such as bloating, diarrhoea and mild nausea, abdominal pain or weight gain, the woman needs to see a doctor soon. Any side effects or discomfort arising from taking Femara should be discussed with a doctor especially when it gets worse.

In essence, Femara is indeed effective for pregnancy. It is also the most affordable drug available. Infertility issues may not be all solved with Femara. There are still other hormone medications available to help women get pregnant. Do discuss with a doctor on what can be done to solve infertility issues. It is necessary for those undergoing hormone therapy or fertility treatment to attend all appointments and follow-up with their doctor. This will help doctors to evaluate and probably re-evaluate if pregnancy did not happen. This also helps doctors to provide other alternatives or medical advice that can increase chances for pregnancy. Treating fertility issues is not easy and often takes time before finding the right treatment that works. Thus, couples should always be patient and not give up until they reach their dream of bearing their own child.

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