Will SIP Investment Hamper My Long-term Financial Goals?

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Although there are multiple financial schemes for Indian investors to choose from, these days most investors turn to mutual funds to achieve their lives financial goals. even investors who have been relying on conservative investment avenues and not shifting to Mutual Funds because of their high risk reward ratio and the superior capital appreciation that these market linked schemes are offering. The beauty of mutual fund investments is that investors do not need to have a large sum gum sum surplus cash at their disposal to invest. Thanks to a convenient investment option like a SIP (systematic investment plan) investors can now build wealth over the long-term through systematic and disciplinary investing. 

What is SIP?

Earlier the only way to invest in mutual funds was by making a one time lump sum payment. investors were allotted units in quantum with the investment amount and depending on the fund’s as its existing net asset value (NAV). However lump sum investment has its own downside. When you make a lump sum investment you end up exposing your entire finances to the dangers of equities. We all know that equity markets are volatile in nature and there is a chance of your portfolio in current losses thus affecting your entire investment amount.

Thanks to systematic investment plan investors now have the liberty of making small systematic payments at periodic intervals instead of making a one-time lump sum investment. SIP is an easy and convenient way to invest in mutual funds. If you are a KYC compliant individual, you can invest in mutual funds to escape from the comfort of your home or office using a smartphone or laptop with a decent internet connection. All investors must do is complete a one time and date with their bank following which every month on a fixed at a predetermined amount will be debited from the savings account and electronically transferred to the desired mutual fund. 

SIP for long term goals?

SIP investments are known to offer capital appreciation over the long term. This is the reason why several investors consider starting and mutual fund SIP so that they can target their life’s monetary needs. There are several benefits that investors can avail if they start on a mutual fund SIP. The biggest advantage mutual fund investors have through SIP investments is that their finances stand a chance of benefiting from the power of compounding. the small payments that investors make towards the mutual fund investment, they can multiply over the long term and transform into a large corpus through compounding. In mutual funds, compounding refers to the interest earned from the interest earned from the initial investment amount. Whenever a mutual fund scheme on profits these gains are invested back in the scheme. Over a period, the interest earned on the initial investment keeps on earning interest depending on the market movement. if you have long-term financial goals like building a retirement Corpus for buying a weekend home or if you want to give your daughter at destination weddings or if you want to send children abroad for overseas education and then all these goals can be made through long-term SIP investments. Another advantage of investments is that it allows the appreciation of rupee through rupee cost averaging. when that asset value of a mutual fund is low or more units are allotted to the portfolio. similarly, when the net asset value of a fine is hi lessons are allotted and adjusted depending on the SIP investment amount. This allows for a rupee cost averaging in his known to benefit one’s investments over the long term.

Investments in mutual funds may offer capital appreciation for investors who are expected to consult a financial advisor before investing.

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